Admission criteria

Procedure for planning hospitalizations of patients with chronic diseases

  1. Purpose

Evidence and scheduling of patients with chronic diseases, in order to hospitalize them.


            Planning hospitalizations of patients with chronic diseases.


The procedure is applied in the hospital for the planning activity of hospitalizations of patients with chronic diseases.

  • Legea nr. 46/2003, legea drepturilor pacientului.
  • Ordinul nr. 386/2004 privind aprobarea Normelor de aplicare a Legii drepturilor pacientului nr. 46/2003.
  • Ordinul nr. 972/2010, privind aprobarea standardelor de acreditare.
  • Ghidurile de practică aprobate de MS.

The medical staff applies the procedure.

  • Hospitalization is the way in which the patient with a certain stable condition after consultation at the emergency room, by emergency or outpatient, is admitted to the ward with beds. Medical-surgical emergencies are not subject to this procedure.
  • The patient who does not present medical-surgical emergencies, but who needs hospitalization, can be admitted to the departments / compartments within the Eurotrat Hospital, by appointment.
  • At the level of each department / compartment within the Eurotrat Hospital there is a register for inpatient scheduling.
  • The chief physicians / department / department coordinators establish, depending on the number of beds and the dynamics of hospitalizations / discharges of patients presenting medical-surgical emergencies, the number of patients who can be hospitalized per day, by appointment.
  • Each section / compartment has the obligation to provide a number of free beds between 5-10% of the total number of beds in that section, for emergencies.
  • The priority criteria for access to medical services provided through scheduled hospitalization are: the patient's clinical condition, distance between home and hospital, the existence or not of relatives.
  • The programming can be done as follows:
  • By telephone - through the hospital's telephone exchange - the patient's telephone connection is established with the doctor on the ward / compartment for which there is a hospitalization ticket, the respective doctor schedules the patient with the date, time, presumptive diagnosis, all these are noted in the specially designed register respectively. It is also noted in the register and contact details, when possible.
  • The attending physician schedules the patient after the outpatient consultation, noting these data in the register.
  • The patient is asked to contact the respective department by phone one day before the date set for admission, to check if there is a bed available. In situations where due to the large number of emergency hospitalizations, there are no free beds in that department, the doctor will set, in agreement with the patient, another date for appointment.
  • The attending physicians in the wards / compartments where the hospitalization is made, depending on the available places, sign, sealing and date the hospitalization ticket.
  • The patient presents at the hospital, according to the schedule, presenting the following documents:
  1.   Medical referral letter
  2.   Admission letter
  3.   Health card
  4.   Documents proving the quality of the insured
  5.   ID, passport or birth certificate
  • If the patient is not insured / cannot prove the quality of the insured, he / she will complete the declaration, by which he / she undertakes to pay the expenses incurred by his / her hospitalization.
  • Working documents, according to the procedure;
  • Patient file.