Access to the unit and access to the media
Access to the unit is as follows:
- Own staff:
Accesul salariaților spitalului este permis numai pe la punctele de control-acces, care respectă circuitele funcționale ale spitalului, pe baza ecusonului de serviciu.
Pentru urgențele medico-chirurgicale ale pacienților, accesul acestora în spital este permanent;
- Personalul din afară unității venit in interes de serviciu- pe baza buletinului de identitate sau a legitimației de serviciu;
- Aparținătorii și vizitatorii bolnavilor: Zilnic între orele 18-20 cu respectarea următoarelor condiții:
Access is allowed only to people with decent attire;
Access is allowed only by entering and in places and spaces specially designed for visitors;
Este interzis accesul persoanelor străine în spital în zonele cu risc: depozite de deșeuri medicale periculoase, echipament radiologie etc.
During the visiting hours, the medical staff takes all necessary measures to strictly comply with the prohibitions on access to specified risk areas, the rules of access and movement in the hospital, as well as the rules of civilized conduct.
In case of any irregularities, the medical staff urgently notifies the security service.
If a quarantine period occurs during this period, visitors' access to the hospital is limited or prohibited, as the case may be.
- Accesul salariaților unor firme prestatoare de servicii în spital este permis numai în baza unui tabel nominal, aprobat de manager, document de identitate și/sau legitimație de serviciu.
- Accesul reprezentanților mass-mediei: accesul reprezentanților mass-mediei se face cu permis de vizitare, numai pe baza legitimației de acreditare în specialitate și a documentului de identitate, precum și cu acordul managerului spitalului, în urmă unei solicitări scrise sau telefonice.
Media representatives can film in hospitals only in spaces for which the manager has explicitly agreed, and interviewing or filming patients can be done only in accordance with the law (obtaining the patient's informed consent to filming / photography).
The hospital manager appoints by decision a spokesperson of the institution, this being the only person who accompanies the media representatives, during their presence inside the hospital.
Access to the hospital wards will be restricted and granted only with the approval of the ward head. For special medical events (road accidents, work accidents, domestic accidents, calamities, etc.), media representatives will have access to the hospital at the entrance to the guard room and will be received in the hall of the guard room.
After stabilizing the patients and obtaining a hospitalization diagnosis, all the information requested by the press will be communicated by the hospital spokesperson, or the doctor on duty.
All requested information will be given subject to the code of ethics and taking into account Law 46/2003, on the rights of patients - the acceptance of the patient or relatives.
- Press representatives
An interview with the hospital's management team will be conducted only following a written request and only with the personal consent of the director.
The hospital manager will explicitly nominate the places where it can be filmed or the people who can be interviewed, respecting the patients' rights to privacy.
For this, previously, the media representatives will take written or verbal steps in order to obtain the agreement in principle. In order to carry out this activity fluently, the general director of the hospital nominated a representative of the hospital as spokesperson of the institution.
The press has unrestricted access in the following situations: when it accompanies an official delegation (Minister, Secretary of State, etc.) with its consent, being accompanied by the manager, the spokesperson, or the persons appointed by decision by the manager; The people in the ministries' delegations will take responsibility for the media representatives who accompany them; însoțită de Manager și/sau ceilalți Directori din Comitetul Director.
- Accesul în spital al altor categorii de persoane, precum echipe de control din cadrul Ministerului Sănătății sau din cadrul instituțiilor aflate în subordinea să, medici în schimb de experiență, medici rezidenți, studenți etc., se face pe baza legitimației de serviciu.
The access of the persons who have on them cameras, photographs or recorders is made only with the approval of the hospital manager.
It is forbidden to enter the hospital of persons who carry weapons, ammunition, toxic substances, narcotics, explosives or other instruments that may endanger the life, bodily integrity or health of their own staff and patients or the property of the unit. The exceptions are the persons who are during the execution of the intervention missions, of protection of the Romanian or foreign dignitaries or of the personalities or who ensure the guarding of the interned persons, deprived of liberty.
The access of the employees' vehicles is made only on the basis of a badge, issued by the hospital administration. A written request is made to obtain this permit. Cars carrying people with disabilities also have access to the hospital parking lot.
Ambulance vehicles, personal vehicles or other vehicles transporting people in need of emergency care or people who cannot travel have permanent access to the hospital.
The vehicles of the suppliers of products and services are allowed access to the health unit, subject to the following conditions:
-only based on the protocols written in the documents concluded with the beneficiaries of the respective services or products; when establishing the access program, the crowded periods will be avoided as much as possible due to the specific activities of the hospital;
-in emergency situations, only with the consent of the hospital manager or the deputy delegated by him;
-based on the service card, the identity document and the confirmation of the heads of servicii sau ai departamentului solicitant.
It is forbidden to drive around the access points intended only for people. At the entrance and exit of the hospital, ambulances have priority.
It is strictly forbidden to block the access road to the guard room. It is also forbidden to block access points in pavilions.
It is forbidden to stop and park vehicles on the roads.
For parking, signalized and arranged parking lots will be used.
On the common access roads for people and vehicles, priority is given to stretchers transporting patients, patients, medical staff, other types of hospital employees, visitors; pedestrians will not park unjustifiably on common roads and will be alert to moving vehicles; drivers will drive with extreme caution to avoid hitting / injuring pedestrians.
When traveling on the premises, you will drive with a maximum of 5 Km / h. It is mandatory to comply with the speed limit. Exceptions are ambulances.
The vehicles will run only on the indicated route except for the service providers and only on the condition of observing some special rules that will be recorded in the service contracts. In this respect, the traffic signs located on the traffic lanes will be observed.
All information regarding the activity carried out in the hospital will be provided to the media by the hospital spokesperson. Exceptions are only the information about some patients that can be provided by the head doctor of the department or by a person designated by him and with the consent of the patient.
If the requested data can be provided by another person, he may initiate the case discussion after informing the head of the department and the hospital manager.
Consultation of medical documents by media representatives is possible in the presence of the attending physician, after obtaining the consent of the head of the department;
Medical documents may be alienated only under the conditions provided by legal provisions.
The filming of a case will be possible with the written consent of the respective person.
Circulația reporterilor prin spital se va efectua respectând circuitele funcționale ale spitalului (secției) și numai însotiti de purtătorul de cuvânt al unității sau manager, director medical, șef de secție.
Visiting the patients, where possible, will be done only according to the schedule established by the management of the unit and displayed at the hospital gate.
Visitors are guided to the sick bed by an average cadre appointed by the head of secție sau de asistenta șefa. În situația mai multor vizitatori, aceștia vor fi introduși pe rând, astfel că numărul lor Ia un bolnav să nu depășească 2 persoane.
It is forbidden for visitors to introduce foods contraindicated in the patient's diet or in excessive quantities. The hospital reserves the right to destroy food brought to patients if it is altered or contraindicated in the regime established by the attending physician.
It is forbidden to bring alcohol inside the hospital.
Visitors will avoid unpleasant discussions that may affect patients, will respect the peace of other hospitalized patients.
Vizitatorilor le este interzis fumatul în unitate. În caz contrar aceştia vor fi amendați în conformitate cu prevederile art. 10 lit. a din legea nr. 349 / 2002.
Vizitatorii trebuie să respecte orele de vizită și să dea curs indicațiilor medicilor, personalului sanitar sau de pază. Personalul de pază de la punctele de ccontrol-acces răspunde în baza fișei postului dacă intră în incintă persoane neautorizate care pot filma, înregistra sau fura dn patrimoniul unității, pe care le face publice ulterior.